Elevate Jr. High Ministry

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Sunday morning I shared a message from Hebrews 11 with the junior high students. Some people call this chapter "The Faith Hall of Fame" or something like that. In addition, I shared with the students about my family leaving the church. Taking a step of faith like this is always scary. People have told me that my faith and trust in Christ have been inspiring to them. I'm glad God has used me in such a way. However, this has not been easy. Although on the outside my faith seems abundant and apparent, on the inside I have been in turmoil. The struggle between total faith and reliance on oneself is always tough. These last few months have been tough for me. At times I have felt like I have been dying on the inside. Other times I just wanted to give up. These have been the times when my trust, reliance, and faith have been tested. If I'm going to teach that you must fully rely on God and trust Him with everything, then I must live that way. This has been the hardest lesson on complete surrender I have ever had. God is indeed faithful and just but when the focus is on you, His faithfulness becomes overshadowed by your weakness. Sadly, this has been the case for me a few times during this time.

Paul went through a similar situation when he asked God to remove the "thorn" from his flesh. Paul's conclusion has given me strength during this time; "Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12:9-10 ESV)

What I've learned is that the more I focus on the things I cannot change, the more I lean on my own power to try to change them. However, the more I trust God with these things, the more strength I have to face the world. In Psalms 18, the psalmist writes that "it is God who arms me with strength." I can look at that verse and also say it is I who arms me with weakness. For me to focus on my weakness and try to change it is useless and will hurt my reliance on God. However, if I admit my weaknesses and fully rely on God's strength then I will have strength, faith, endurance, and peace. How can I go on living with the unknown? By knowing that God is in control and there is nothing I can do to change that.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

New beginning...

One of the greatest things about God is that He gives people a new beginning. When you surrender your life to Jesus, God creates a new person out of you. In turn, you are made new, a new beginning. Elevate Jr. High ministry is having a new beginning. We have a new website with some really cool features. In addition to that, we will be in a new room with some really neat stuff.

With that said, we will be heading for a new beginning in April. Let this be a time for you to reflect on the new beginning Christ made possible for you!